Source code for akro.discrete

"""A space representing a selection between a finite number of items."""

import gym.spaces
import numpy as np

from akro import tf, theano
from akro.requires import requires_tf, requires_theano
from import Space

[docs]class Discrete(gym.spaces.Discrete, Space): """{0,1,...,n-1}."""
[docs] def flatten(self, x): """Return a flattened observation x. Args: x (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to flatten. Returns: np.ndarray: An array of x collapsed into one dimension. """ ret = np.zeros(self.n) ret[x] = 1 return ret
[docs] def unflatten(self, x): """Return an unflattened observation x. Args: x (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to unflatten. Returns: np.ndarray: An array of x in the shape of self.shape. """ return np.nonzero(x)[0][0]
[docs] def flatten_n(self, xs): """Return flattened observations xs. Args: xs (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to reshape and flatten Returns: np.ndarray: An array of xs in a shape inferred by the size of its first element. """ ret = np.zeros((len(xs), self.n)) ret[np.arange(len(xs)), xs] = 1 return ret
[docs] def unflatten_n(self, xs): """Return unflattened observations xs. Args: xs (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to reshape and unflatten Returns: np.ndarray: An array of xs in a shape inferred by the size of its first element and self.shape. """ return np.nonzero(xs)[1]
@property def flat_dim(self): """Return the length of the flattened vector of the space.""" return self.n
[docs] def weighted_sample(self, weights): """Compute a weighted sample of the elements in the Discrete Space. Args: weights (:obj:`list`): Values to use in the sample. Returns: int or np.ndarray: A random sample of n based on probabilities in weights. """ assert len(weights) == self.n weights = np.asarray(weights) return np.random.choice(self.n, p=weights / weights.sum())
[docs] def concat(self, other): """Concatenate with another space of the same type. Args: other (Space): A space to be concatenated with this space. Returns: Space: A concatenated space. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __hash__(self): """Hash the Discrete Space. Returns: int: A hash of the value n. """ return hash(self.n)
[docs] @requires_tf def to_tf_placeholder(self, name, batch_dims): """Create a tensor placeholder from the Space object. Args: name (str): name of the variable batch_dims (:obj:`list`): batch dimensions to add to the shape of the object. Returns: tf.Tensor: Tensor object with the same properties as the Discrete obj where the shape is modified by batch_dims. """ return tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=self.dtype, shape=[None] * batch_dims + [self.flat_dim], name=name)
[docs] @requires_theano def to_theano_tensor(self, name, batch_dims): """Create a theano tensor from the Space object. Args: name (str): name of the variable batch_dims (:obj:`list`): batch dimensions to add to the shape of the object. Returns: theano.tensor.TensorVariable: Tensor object with the same properties as the Discrete obj where the shape is modified by batch_dims.. """ return theano.tensor.TensorType(self.dtype, (False, ) * (batch_dims + 1))(name)