Source code for

"""A Space representing a rectangular region of space."""
import gym.spaces
import numpy as np

from akro import tf, theano
from akro.requires import requires_tf, requires_theano
from import Space

[docs]class Box(gym.spaces.Box, Space): """A box in R^n. Each coordinate is bounded above and below. """ @property def flat_dim(self): """Return the length of the flattened vector of the space.""" return @property def bounds(self): """Return a 2-tuple containing the lower and upper bounds.""" return self.low, self.high
[docs] def flatten(self, x): """Return a flattened observation x. Args: x (:obj:'Iterable`): The object to flatten. Returns: np.ndarray: An array of x collapsed into one dimension. """ return np.asarray(x).flatten()
[docs] def unflatten(self, x): """Return an unflattened observation x. Args: x (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to unflatten. Returns: np.ndarray: An array of x in the shape of self.shape. """ return np.asarray(x).reshape(self.shape)
[docs] def flatten_n(self, obs): """Return flattened observations obs. Args: obs (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to reshape and flatten Returns: np.ndarray: An array of obs in a shape inferred by the size of its first element. """ return np.asarray(obs).reshape((obs.shape[0], -1))
[docs] def unflatten_n(self, obs): """Return unflattened observation of obs. Args: obs (:obj:`Iterable`): The object to reshape and unflatten Returns: np.ndarray: An array of obs in a shape inferred by the size of its first element and self.shape. """ return np.asarray(obs).reshape((obs.shape[0], ) + self.shape)
def __hash__(self): """ Hash the Box Space. Returns: int: A hash of the low, high, and shape of the Box. Only the first element of low and high are hashed because numpy ndarrays can't be hashed. When a Box is created the low and high bounds are duplicated across the shape of the arrays so any of the values will suffice for the hash. The shape of the Box is added for uniqueness. """ return hash((self.low[0][0], self.high[0][0], self.shape))
[docs] @requires_tf def to_tf_placeholder(self, name, batch_dims): """Create a tensor placeholder from the Space object. Args: name (str): name of the variable batch_dims (:obj:`list`): batch dimensions to add to the shape of the object. Returns: tf.Tensor: Tensor object with the same properties as the Box where the shape is modified by batch_dims. """ return tf.placeholder( dtype=self.dtype, shape=[None] * batch_dims + list(self.shape), name=name)
[docs] @requires_theano def to_theano_tensor(self, name, batch_dims): """Create a theano tensor from the Space object. Args: name (str): name of the variable batch_dims (:obj:`list`): batch dimensions to add to the shape of the object. Returns: theano.tensor.TensorVariable: Tensor object with the same properties as the Box where the shape is modified by batch_dims. """ return theano.tensor.TensorType(self.dtype, (False, ) * (batch_dims + 1))(name)